The Lotus Sametime Unified Telephony API is REST based and can be integrated with applications that are built on different technology stacks. LotusSametimeUnifiedTelephonyAPI基于REST,并且可以与使用不同技术构建的应用程序集成在一起。
This process is required because the REST API will work only for users who are provisioned on the Lotus Sametime Unified Telephony Core server. 这个过程是必须的,因为RESTAPI将只针对在LotusSametimeUnifiedTelephonyCore服务器上拥有权限的用户工作。
The Sametime Unified Telephony API can be deployed to a dedicated server by following the steps to install the REST API using the WebSphere Application Server integrated solutions console. 通过遵循使用WebSphereApplicationServer集成解决方案控制台安装RESTAPI的步骤,可以将SametimeUnifiedTelephonyAPI部署到一台专用服务器上。
For these options to work, single sign-on must be configured between the server hosting the application acquired from another vendor and the server hosting the Lotus Sametime Unified Telephony API. 要使这些选项正常工作,必须在托管应用程序(来自其他供应商)的服务器和托管LotusSametimeUnifiedTelephonyAPI的服务器之间配置单点登录。
It showed you how the API can be deployed as part of the Lotus Sametime Unified Telephony core server and also explained additional deployment options. 它展示了如何将API作为LotusSametimeUnifiedTelephony核心服务器的一部分进行部署,还解释了其他一些部署选项。
After you have installed the Lotus Sametime Unified Telephony API, you need to complete some configuration steps to configure security for the application. 安装好LotusSametimeUnifiedTelephonyAPI后,您需要完成一些配置步骤来为应用程序配置安全性。
The optional configuration steps for the Lotus Sametime Unified Telephony API listed above are required for this second option to work. 要是第二个选项工作,需要用到上面列出的LotusSametimeUnifiedTelephonyAPI的可选配置步骤。
After you enter a phone number and click OK, the Lotus Sametime Unified Telephony API is invoked and the user ID or phone number that you clicked is sent as the target for the call. 输入电话号码并单击OK后,LotusSametimeUnifiedTelephonyAPI将被调用,而您所单击的用户ID或电话号码将被作为呼叫目标发送。
The sample provided in the Download section of this article includes a JavaScript file that is responsible for invoking the Lotus Sametime Unified Telephony API. 本文下载小节提供的样例包含了一个JavaScript文件,该文件负责调用LotusSametimeUnifiedTelephonyAPI。
Meanwhile, Novell Inc.'s Telephony Services API ( TSAPI) has matured& it is now in Version 2.21. 同时,Novell公司的电话服务应用编程接口(TSAPI)已成熟,现它已出了2.21版。
Basic telephony APIs that are supported are conference, transfer, connect, answer, and redirect. 支持基本的电话API是会议,转接,连接,回答,重定向。
It based with the protocol of H.323 and integrated the technology of Java telephony API and Java Multimedia Framework. 323协议为基础,结合当前JTAPI技术和JMF技术开发而成。H。
Then introduced and analyzed the technology of Java telephony API and Java Multimedia Framework. 然后对JAVA电话应用程序接口(JTAPI)和JAVA多媒体框架(JMF)进行了介绍和分析,设计了一个实时多媒体通信的协议栈。